Publishing Guidelines

To make sure your listing get published smoothly, please follow these publishing guidelines:

We recommend first submitting a small number of properties initially for approval so that any changes can be made before uploading many properties.

  1. The regular price field must contain full price of the property. If you are selling on terms, entering the down payment amount in this field is not acceptable. In that case, list the accurate price of the property and include the details of the terms in the Terms field in the Property tab. Refer to #13 below.
  2. There must be at least one image uploaded. Uploaded images must be a minimum of 1000 pixels wide.
  3. Lead images must not contain any text, watermarks, or graphics of any kind. 

  4. The featured image must be set. 

  5. There can not be any outside advertising (other than for the property) within the listing.
  6. No HTML is allowed in the property description field.
  7. All vital fields must be populated. State, county, acreage, etc. need to have the correct information included. If there is a designated field, it should be filled in. If a filed has an asterisk next to it, it is a required field. The system will not allow you to submit your posting until all of these fields have been filled in.

  8. If there is a "fill in the blank" field for a certain item, it must be put in the designated field. The information from these fields can not be duplicated in the description or anywhere else in the posting. 

  9. There must not be any email addresses, website links, social media links, etc. in the description. This will all be in the seller block and can not be duplicate.
  10. If a video is posted in the video section, it must be appropriate for and relevant to the posting. The videos should be 100% about the property and not an advertisement for your business.
  11. Ensure that spelling, grammar, and other editing is acceptable. The posting must match our standard of excellence.
  12. Titles must not contain any marketing content like "Featured Property of the Week."
  13. Terms: Cash only or Terms. If you are selling on terms, please specify the down payment and amount of monthly terms and include the duration. Example: $500 down, $175 a month for 24 months at 7% interest.
  14. Properties with homes or structures on them will not be accepted at this time.

Any listings that do not follow each item in this list will be flagged for editing. You will have an opportunity to fix the content and republish the listing.